Saturday, January 18, 2025

Program de Afiliere Adbux

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AdBux este unul dintre cele mai bune si mai corecte programe de Pay to click.

Va permite sa castigati bani facand cateva clickuri pe siteurile recomandate de ei si vizitandule pentru 30 secunde.

Bani pe care Adbux vi distribuie vin furnizati de la siteurile pe care voi le vizitati iar inscrierea la Adbux este complet gratuita.

AdBux for Advertisers

One of the most valuable features of advertising with AdBux, the thing that sets us apart from mainstream advertising is that with AdBux, the consumers are looking for the advertisers and not the other way around. We have hundreds of thousands of consumers from over 200 countries that can be targeted by their interests, their location and their buying power. They are literally waiting for advertisers to pay them to look at stuff that they are already interested in! To check out our rates, testimonials and traffic patterns, click HERE.

AdBux for Affiliates

In the world of secular advertising, advertisers pay a medium to disperse their adverts in front of targeted and/or un-targeted people. The only connection that the advertisers have with potential consumers is interest. Using images, word play and offering the product/service at a cheaper price works in some or most instances, but what else can be added to entice the consumers to go with that particular advertiser? Our solution is a monetary incentive. Think of this: As a consumer, wouldn’t it be nice to get paid to simply look at products/services/websites that interest you?

Advertisers will pay YOU up to $0.015 (1.5 cents) for every website you view! Additionally, you can maximize your earnings with our affiliate program where you can earn up to 150% of your referrals’ direct click earnings and commissions on any AdBux service that your referrals purchase!

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