Thursday, April 25, 2024

Stirile zilei

Jessica Alba – cea mai sexy eroina de film

Actrita americana Jessica Alba a fost desemnata cea mai sexy eroina de film. Potrivit The Sun, actrita in varsta de 26 de ani a castigat premiul pentru interpretarea rolului Sue Storm in “Fantastic Four”. Sondajul realizat in randul americanilor...

Tariceanu vrea Olimpiada din 2022!

Premierul Tariceanu a declarat, joi, intr-o conferinta de presa la Sinaia ca proiectul Guvernului pe termen lung vizeaza organizarea Jocurilor Olimpice din 2022. Tariceanu a explicat ca daca cele patru localitati turistice de pe Valea Prahovei se vor uni...

YouTube – turn off the option to see related videos

Thanks for all the feedback - please keep posting your constructive comments here, as this is a huge help for us in gauging community needs. The designers are continuing to evolve the embedded player to address some of the...

Tiriac, arma secreta a PSD !

Ioan Rus, care are afaceri impreuna cu fostul tenisman, vrea sa-l impuna pe acesta drept contracandidatul lui Basescu la alegerile prezidentiale din 2009. Prima parte a proiectului Tiriac a inceput cu implicarea celor doi la echipa de fotbal Universitatea...

Agloco – Download the ViewBar !

AGLOCO has finally released the long awaited Viewbar! AGLOCO announced yesterday that they went ahead and made a workaround for their problematic ad servers, and would be launching the AGLOCO Viewbar the next day. Currently only some of the...

Psychological (“personality”) Types

According to Jung's theory of Psychological Types we are all different in fundamental ways. One's ability to process different information is limited by their particular type. These types are sixteen.People can be either Extroverts or Introverts, depending on the...

Color Psychology

Like death and taxes, there is no escaping color. It is ubiquitous. Yet what does it all mean? Why are people more relaxed in green rooms? Why do weightlifters do their best in blue gyms? Colors often have...

Change Traffic Lights With A Universal Remote!


WordPress Plugins & Tutorials: Your Pick

Depending on your needs and professional skills, the choice of an optimal weblog engine can be quite time-consuming. There are many options, and selecting the best engine, you should know exactly what you’d like to have and which...

Topul celor mai bune plaje din Europa

Cine s-a saturat de Marea Neagra, indiferent daca si-a petrecut concediul pe tarmul romanesc, bulgareasc sau rusesc, poate alege anul acesta o plaja din Europa. Jurnalistii de la au realizat un top al plajelor de pe batranul continent....
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Alegeri SUA: Actorul Dwayne „The Rock” Johnson îşi retrage sprijinul pentru Biden

Actorul american Dwayne Johnson, cunoscut ca The Rock, a declarat vineri că, spre deosebire de alegerile prezidenţiale din 2020,...
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